Ruaha National Park

It is the second largest National Park, covering an area of 20,226 located in south-central Tanzania. During the dry season, when game viewing is at its best, animals are drawn to the Great Ruaha River and other water sources. The name Ruaha was derived from the hehe word called ”Luhava” meaning the great river.


Ruaha National Park enjoys only one rainy season, usually from the end of November to May with annual average rainfall ranging from 500 to 800mm. The park is located at an altitude between 750 and 1868 meters.

Getting there

The park is accessible by road and air.


From Iringa town it is 108km to the main gate (Y-Junction), 625Km from Dar es Salaam and 480Km from Mbeya City.


Daily flights from Dar es Salaam and Arusha is the easiest way to Ruaha. Airstrips are located at Msembe and Jongomero. Coastal Aviation, Auric Air and Safari Link all have scheduled flights to Ruaha.


Not only does Ruaha enjoy abundant wildlife, but the magnificent and constantly changing landscapes add a magical touch to the whole experience. Baobabs dot the rocky hillsides, the cool green shade along the River, the open grassy plains, all make a wonderful and exciting trip.

Wild Animals

This is the place where visitors can see both Lesser and Greater Kudu because it is the southernmost limit for Lesser Kudu in African continent.

It is also possible to see, Sable and Roan antelope, Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest, Topi, both Southern and Bohor reedbuck and it is the southernmost limit of Grants Gazelle.

In addition to this, Ruaha boasts a healthy population of Wild Dogs, Leopard, Lions, Cheetah, Buffalo, and Elephant, not to mention all the other species, of which there are plenty.


With 574 species recorded in Ruaha, it is difficult to visit this beautiful Park and not be impressed by the number and variety of birds you see.

Baobab ‘Upside down tree’

The park is known for having baobab trees scattered all over the park. During dry season the baobab trees shed leaves, leaving only bare branches that resemble roots.Therefore people nick named it “roots up tree”.

The Great Ruaha River

‘The life of Ruaha’ and one of the main attraction for many tourists.


Various activities are available in the park, such as day and night game drive, walking safari, cultural tourism, bush meal, bird watching, star gazing, balloon safari and picnicking.

Walking Safari

This activity takes a visitor more close to nature as it provides a chance of tracking animals by their footprints, stopping to admire birdlife in the trees, and watching smaller creatures and their behaviors.

Game drive

Venture into the pristine wilderness of the Ruaha in a 4*4 safari vehicle hosted by experts. The Park is hailed for its vast herds of buffalo which roam the magnificent plains as well as for its flourishing elephants, lions, leopards, crocodiles and hippo populations.

Night game drive

A night drive gives you the opportunity to see Ruaha like never before with a chance of seeing nocturnal wildlife and predators when they are more active

Balloon safari

Experience hot air baloon safaris and enjoy spectacular aerial game viewing and remarkable landscapes

Cultural and Historical sites

The Mkwawa Museum, Isimila Stone age site and natural pillar, Mapenza grave, Nyanywa, Ganga la Mafunyo and Idinda rock painting will add unforgettable story tales on your visit.



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